Training For My New Job!

Ok, so I've given plenty of tips on this site to lower body fat and get in the best shape of your life!  But, now I need to get in shape another reason besides just my health and looking great!

I need to get in shape to be able to train for my new job as a phlebotomist!!

I just completed my phlebotomy training program and am working on getting certified!  I'm currently just a phlebotomist at a local plasma center, but would also like to do some on-call stuff for life insurance companies, etc! And when I get certified will look at a few hospitals for offers.

Anywhoozle, I want to be in the best shape of my life to make sure I can provide the best care for those in need!  I will keep you updated with my new career and still give calorie controlling tips as usual!

Thanks and take care!

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